Monday, April 1, 2013

Real Food Tech. (Food Hygiene)


hye, selamat petang.. bertemu kembali... *bajet2 pengacara lak, sepak nk?*
nk sambung cerita pasal my lovey dovey course, food technologies..
haritu ckp pasal food chemistry an? dlm entry nie.. KLIK SINI
harini ckp pasal food hygiene and legislation..
course nie suppose to be medium level of difficulties because the code was FST200..
what? you don't get it?

let me explain..
the level of every course are depend on the code that had been used..
the more the number, the more the hardest..
hypothesis accepted..

example: code course for food chemistry was FST261 and for food hygiene was FST200, so food chemistry more difficult than food hygiene..

according to my course , the highest code for the course has the highest the credit hour..
hypothesis also accepted..haha

*susah klu org bercita-cita nk jd lecturer ni berckp..haha*

whatever lah, bg aku sume susah.. hahahaha
haaaaa..b4 lupe... harini lg 100 hari nk pose puase !!!
yeayyy... ganti puase dah?

xsabr menunggu ramadhan (u_u)

eh, meleret.....

food hygiene..

this is what I learn ...

thats all.. assalamualaikum.. :)

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